
Meet up at Christmasworld ✨

Next stop: Ambiente and Christmasworld ✨ in Frankfurt, from February 7th to 11th! I’m looking forward to see how my clients have translated the TH trends for autumn/winter/Christmas 2025/2026.

This year, I’m traveling solo, which means I also have time to make new connections and exchange ideas. Will you be there too? Let’s meet up for a coffee ☕️ and a chat... send me a message to set up an appointment. 🤗

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The Goat Wool Sock

It’s cold outside. As I work on my TH interior style book for autumn, winter, and Christmas 2026/2027, I’m wearing goat wool socks to keep my feet warm. On my right hand, I’m wearing a fingerless glove —not like Madonna wore as a fashion statement in the eighties, but because my desk feels so cold while I move my Wacom pen across my tablet. These days, the thermostat is set 1.5 degrees lower than it was a few years ago—a conscious choice in these times.


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Tactile inspiration included...

With four unique themes – SAVIAUBUNTUAVANT, and MA – you’ll explore the lifeblood of nature, human connection, creative innovation, and the space between. Each chapter offers a wealth of inspiration for design, colour schemes, and (sustainable) materials to shape your new collection.


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Digital Leaf Art

In creating this digital leaf art, I’ve fully immersed myself in the atmosphere of autumn, winter, and Christmas—perfectly aligned with my current project: TH Autumn | Winter | Christmas Style Guide for 2026/2027. For this new style guide, I’m drawing inspiration from the natural colours and textures of the season.


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The Farmer as a Pioneer in Sustainable Design

Savia Pasture

In my TH 2026 interior trend book, we see the farmer in a fresh, transformative role—not just as an agricultural producer but as a true pioneer. Within the theme Savia Pasture, the farmer becomes both a provider and a source of sustainable, natural materials. By merging regenerative farming techniques with artisanal craftsmanship, this trend lays the groundwork for a new kind of collaboration: farmers and designers building a future where aesthetics matter, but the deep-rooted connection to nature takes center stage.

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Unique in the AI Era

The rise of AI platforms like Midjourney, DALL-E, Ideogram, and Flux has rapidly and profoundly transformed the design world. For many, this development brings a mix of excitement and concern. There is uncertainty about whether AI will replace jobs and expertise. However, now more than ever, the role of the designer is crucial. It is up to designers to ensure we don't end up in a world of uniformity and meaningless designs. This is the time to demonstrate what we, as designers, are capable of and why this role is indispensable.


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DDW24 Biophilic and Biobased Design

Biophilic en biobased – in mijn 'bubbel' zijn dit termen die momenteel veel voorbij komen; op social media en mijn mailbox stroomt vol met persberichten hierover. Maar wat betekenen ze nu precies?


Biophilic design draait om het herstellen van onze band met de natuur door natuurlijke elementen, zoals planten, natuurlijk licht en organische vormen, in onze leef- en werkomgeving te integreren. Het idee is dat we beter functioneren in ruimtes die ons herinneren aan de natuur, wat ons welzijn en creativiteit stimuleert. Biobased design, daarentegen, richt zich op het gebruik van hernieuwbare, natuurlijke materialen zoals hout, bamboe of mycelium. Deze materialen zijn duurzaam, afbreekbaar en vaak circulair, wat bijdraagt aan milieuvriendelijke ontwerppraktijken.


Ik ben nu onderweg  naar Eindhoven Dutch Design Week 2024. Mijn interesse in design is breed, maar ik heb ook een aantal exposities geselecteerd die specifiek gericht zijn op biophilic en biobased projecten. Deze wil ik de komende dagen zeker niet missen, en misschien zijn ze ook voor jou interessant!

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Ma - The space between...

In the world of interior design, and at the trade fairs of the moment, we are witnessing an explosion of vibrant, contrasting colours that clash with one another. These colourful outbursts seem, in a way, to reflect today’s society. Everyone seems eager to make their voice heard, some even louder than others. In my trend book TH SpringSummer 2026, you can see this sense of individuality, of making yourself visibly present, translated into a theme that combines powerful, passionate, and even sensual colours and shapes.


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 TH will regularly share insights and updates on the latest interior design trends. From colour palettes and innovative materials to highlights from trade fairs and exclusive previews of the TH Trend Book, you’ll find inspiration here.

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