Ma - The space between...

In the world of interior design, and at the trade fairs of the moment, we are witnessing an explosion of vibrant, contrasting colours that clash with one another. These colourful outbursts seem, in a way, to reflect today’s society. Everyone seems eager to make their voice heard, some even louder than others. In my trend book TH SpringSummer 2026, you can see this sense of individuality, of making yourself visibly present, translated into a theme that combines powerful, passionate, and even sensual colours and shapes.



But this is, of course, what immediately catches the eye. Meanwhile, there is also a new, quieter ‘voice’ emerging. Silence... Another theme in my trend book is called Ma, a Japanese philosophical concept that literally means "the space in between." Ma revolves around the idea of emptiness – the silence between sounds, the pause between colours, and the space between shapes. It emphasises the importance of what is absent in giving meaning to what is present.

Ma can be seen as the transition between what was and what is to come. This emptiness can be compared to the moment just before sunrise, when the world slowly reveals itself in soft tones and delicate forms. Here, we find calm and serenity, an invitation to reflect and slow down. The colours are muted, the patterns and motifs thoughtful. The materials are pure and sustainable. The forms are soft, without sharp lines or harsh contrasts.


Are you curious to learn more insights from my interior trend book for Spring/Summer 2026? Don’t hesitate to get in touch; I’m happy to share more. This trend book can be the perfect source of inspiration for your next collection and offers a fresh start for new creative directions.

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Amjad Shamsi
8 days ago

I would like to have all updates

Titia Huisman
7 days ago

Hi Amjad, I will add you to my mailinglist/newsletter...